Saturday 1 January 2011

How to export Skype call history?

There are occasions when you need to export and print out Skype call history (e.g. as supporting document for visa application etc.) you can do this by using small free application called SkypeCallExporter (click here to download it), currently works on Windows computers only.

Please, log in before trying to download the attachment. Just unzip it and launch it, no installation is required.
Some guidelines:    

  • Before launching the program, Skype must be running, and you must be logged in (the program uses Skype's API to request the call info from the Skype).     
  • When you launch the utility for the first time, Skype will pop up a warning message, and you must authorize the utility to connect to Skype.     
  • As soon as the utility is running, it will automatically retrieve all call information (SkypeOut and Skype-to-Skype) from Skype. This can take a while, especially if you have a long call list. During this time, it can look as if the program is doing nothing, and rubbish will be displayed in the table in the utility's window. Please be patient and give it enough time to complete, and meaningful information should appear in the table. It can take minutes, if you have made many Skype calls.     
  • After the utility has collected all call records, it will display them in a table that can be exported to a CSV file, or printed directly from the program. By the way: the call cost for SkypeOut calls does not include the connection fee, as the API does not (yet) have commands to retrieve it. Also, the call cost is calculated by simply multiplying the duration by the price per minute, so if you have a special SkypeOut plan, this calculated cost might not be correct.
  • The application prints user's name in the title of the report.
  • If a call failed, the failure reason is retrieved from Skype and added to the report.

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